Tale of Tears

People Productions

LOCATION: Salt Lake City, Utah


SYNOPSIS: "Tale of Tears" is a virtual story from the book, "The Past We Step Into," written by Richard Scharine, and published by Atmosphere Press in 2021. Narrated by the author, complete with photograph illustrations and a musical introduction and summary by Paul Boruff, "Tale of Tears" is filmed and edited by Nan Weber.

GENRE: Theatre, Original Script, One-Person Show, Drama, World Premiere

CONTENT RATING: F - Family Friendly (PG)

ARTIST BIO: Richard Scharine is a professor emeritus of the University of Utah Theatre Department. A co-founder and artistic director for People Productions, Utah's first African-American theatre, "The Past We Step Into' is his first work of fiction. Nan Weber and Paul Boruff are a singularly unusual couple in that they are artists who manage to survive by practicing their art.

WEBSITE: https://www.facebook.com/richard.scharine


Available on demand.


Watch on Vimeo here — the password is Tears.

A recommended donation of $10 can be made via PayPal to richard.scharine@m.cc.utah.edu